Long-term Goals

2025: Enhanced Betting Features

  • Integrate advanced peer-to-peer betting features, including live betting options and diverse betting markets.

  • Explore partnerships with other blockchain projects to expand the betting ecosystem.

2026: Global Expansion

  • Expand the reach of BSports to international markets, collaborating with regional gaming communities and hosting global tournaments.

  • Research and implement scalability solutions to accommodate increased user activity.

2027: Virtual Reality Integration

  • Investigate and potentially integrate virtual reality (VR) technologies to offer an immersive gaming experience.

  • Continue fostering strategic partnerships to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

The roadmap outlines our immediate and long-term objectives, reflecting our commitment to continuous improvement, community engagement, and technological innovation. As we progress, BSports remains dedicated to providing a cutting-edge platform for Esports enthusiasts worldwide.

Last updated